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北京世纪平安汽车租赁有限公司 [百度一下]
专业培训 岗位晋升 节日福利带薪年假员工旅游
北京世纪平安汽车租赁有限公司,英文名称:BEIJING CENTURY PING AN CAR RENTAL CO., Ltd.,简称平安租赁,创建于2007年2月,注册资金3,700万元人民币。平安租赁由国内著名老牌租赁企业集团化管理,系秉承国内老牌租赁公司多年积淀,集合业内资深精英人士,根植国内经济发展环境,吸取国际租赁行业的先进经验,专业服务于高端商务客户,为客户提供量身定做的包括汽车租赁在内的车务外包解决方案的新型汽车租赁企业。现集团拥有车辆1,000余辆,客户群体涵盖世界500强在华机构、国有大中型企事业单位等高端商务VIP客户达1,500余家,个人客户累计约50,000人次。平安租赁以商务车型租赁为主营业务,为金融、交通、能源、地产、政府机构等VIP客户专门打造专业的个性化用车方案,提供专业的管家式用车服务。平安租赁拥有雄厚的客户基础、专业的销售及服务、先进规范的服务模式、周到细致的后期服务保障、灵活的经营体制、坚实的企业实力、具备良好的网络化发展基础。2008年奥运会期间,平安租赁作为奥运会赛时车辆及奥组委公务车供车企业,出色的完成了奥运车辆服务任务。Beijing Century Ping An Car Rental Co., Ltd (abbr. CPACR) is the supplier of professional services for the high-end commercial clients in the fields of tailored car renting and operation outsourcing solutions with the registered capital of 37 million RMB.CPACR was established in February 2007 as a car rental company of new pattern based on years of experiences of the inbound time-honored car rental companies, pooling senior talents in this circle, rooted in the inbound environment for economic development, and assimilating advanced experiences of international leasing services. In the same year, it acquired the qualification certificate of the circle. In the assessment of the norms on the car rental business enterprise by the Beijing Municipal transportation Authority, it won the honorary title of Outstanding Car Rental Company. It became the designated vehicle supplier for the 2008 Olympic Games and would provide vehicles for the Olympic Committee for official use.The main operations of CPACR are to lease commercial cars, to make up convenient and satisfactory scheme of acteristic leasing for VIP clients in finance, transportation, energy, real estate and governmental organs etc, and to provide high-end, professional and steward-like leasing services. At present, its service group covers numerous VIP commercial clients of the institutions in China of World Top 500 and state-owned large and medium-sized enterprises.The CPACR boasts outstanding operating advantages: professional marketing and service groups, advanced and canonical service pattern, considerate and detailed after-sale service guarantee, flexible operation system, solid enterprise strength, and excellent development basis for the work.


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