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北京久威仓储设备有限公司 [百度一下]
专业培训 岗位晋升 节日福利带薪年假员工旅游
北京久威仓储设备有限公司始建于1994年,是国内早以物流设备、立体仓库等各类货架产品的开发、设计、生产、销售、运输、安装为一体的专业公司。经过18年的艰苦创业,现已成为北方地区规模的仓储设备公司,年销售额数千万元,并且拥有一批高素质的技术工人和设计队伍,拥有十多条货架制造专业生产线,拥有ISO9001:2008等多项国家政府和行业权威机构颁发的认证证书和各项荣誉证书,并且拥有自主进出口权。18年来公司为国内知名企业完成数千个大型仓库、物流配送中心工程,典型工程有北汽福田,蒙牛乳业、诺基亚、百事食品、亿利化学、中国人民解放军总后部队,华北电力集团、神州煤炭集团、一汽大众、中国人民公安大学、天津大港电厂,内蒙临河电厂,潞安环能,平顶山煤业集团等工程,并且远销美国、英国、韩国、加拿大、澳大利亚、古巴等国,创造了全国货架行业快速发展的奇迹。公司将秉承“诚实做人,诚信做事;管理创新,服务至上;精以务实,进以图强”的企业文化,以京津唐经济圈为平台,立足中国面向世界,实行国际化的管理,国际化的发展战略。打造中国物流设施与装备业的世界品牌。久威,因诚信而久远,因创新而扬威。Beijing Jiuwei Storage Equipment Co.,Ltd. was founded in 1994, is one of the earliest professional company to integrate the development of logistics equipment, Warehouse shelves, and other product, design, production, marketing, transportation, and installation. After 12 years of hard work, this has become the largest one of the storage equipment company in the north and the annual sales had reached tens of millions of dollars. It has a number of highly skilled workers and design team as well as more than 10 shelves of professional production lines. It has got the ISO9001: 2,000 and other Certificate and all honorary certificates which are awarded by government and industry authority, and have the exporting right.In the last 12 years our company produced thousands of large warehouse, logistics and distribution center for domestic companies and famous enterprises, the typical projects include the Foton Auto, Mengniu Dairy, Nokia, Pepsi foods, Elite Chemical, the PLA General Logistics Department units, North China Power Group Company, China Coal Group, FAW public, Chinese Peoples University of Public Security, Tianjin Dagang Power Plant, Linhe Inner Mongolia Power Plant and other projects. We sold product far away to the United States, Britain, South Korea, Canada, Australia, Cuba and other countries, created the miracle of a National shelves industries rapid development.The company will insist the enterprise culture of to be an honest man, to do a reliable manner; to innovate management, to service-orientated; Precision to be pragmatic , to advance to be strengthening”, the company made Beijing-Tianjin - Tangshan in economic circles as a platform and based on China-oriented world to implement the international management and international development strategies. We make a Chinese logistics facilities and equipment brands of the world.Jiuwei is agelong for credit, famous for innovation.


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