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北京康博阳光科技有限公司 [百度一下]
专业培训 岗位晋升 节日福利带薪年假员工旅游
北京康博阳光科技有限公司是波司登集团在光伏领域投资成立的集光伏组件生产、光伏并网发电及光电解决方案为一体的综合性公司,并在辽宁省阜新市投资20亿元建立高标准光伏产业基地。 我们致力于打造一个世界水平的新能源企业。从建设工厂的每一个设备零部件到整个管理体系的搭建,您都能真切感受到康博阳光所付出的努力与实践。从迈入康博阳光办公区的步,您就能真切感受到它追求前沿科技的热忱。国际化管理 企业通过全套ISO管理体系(ISO9001、ISO14001、Ohsas18001),从近两百家认证机构、近千家咨询机构中,选择与国际高标准认证机构-德国TUV合作,聘请具有世界百强企业咨询经验的高级咨询师,用严格的评审流程与检验标准,使企业真正意义上达到国际化管理水平。也正因如此,我们成功吸引了许多国外优质客户主动与我们合作,共同为改善世界环境而做出贡献。行业设备 康博阳光生产线全部选用德国工艺的高自动化生产设备。德国Team Technik新1200HS高速串焊机搭配ABB自动排板机德国BURKLE新3腔专为双玻组件设计的层压机德国REIS全产线自动化解决方案,包括机器人切边,打胶,上框等工序。德国MBJ在线EL检测设备PASAN在线阳光模拟检测设备基于设备采购时的考虑,康博产线将同时兼容双玻组件的生产工艺,包括薄膜电池的封装工艺及根据客户提出的要求进行BIPV组件的生产。introduction Kangbo Sunlight Co. is wholly owned subsidiary of BOSIDENG Group, a listing company in Hong Kong Stock Exchange, with a registered capital of 1 billion Yuan. Kangbo Sunlight is a leading photovoltaic production and investment company, mainly produce crystalline silicon modules, solar system and photovoltaic terminal projects such as grid and off-grid power generation.Other than production, Kangbo Sunlight also has invested 2 billion Yuan to complete a 150MW Solar Power Station, and a set of 500MW photovoltaic modules manufacturer in the next 3 years. Kangbo delivers best-in-class solar modules by continuously leveraging new technology and manufacturing techniques with introduced highly automated production equipment and fully automated production line. And our products enforcedly undergo rigorous inspection to ensure the highest possible quality.R&ampamp;D center We are devoting ourselves to the research on PV terminal utilization as well as protecting the future of the human being by establishing a high-tech R&ampamp;D center with the most advanced German technology. We always strive to improve on excellence to deliver best-in-class solar modules to all over the world.


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